I am stretched in too many directions
There is a grand sea in my mind
One I cannot sail, I cannot conquer
A never-ending tempest
Whirlpools of volatility
Sirens sing the saddest songs
Leviathans filled with fury
A sea ruled by glass demons
Demons destroyed easily by thoughts
But conjured up just as quickly
And there is a dense fog here
It never lifts
A swirling mass of confusion
So easy to get lost in my sea
There is nowhere to go here
One can drown here
This is my confusion
This is my sin
This is the part of me that is not meant to be
But here, in the ocean’s heart, is a kingdom
A kingdom that keeps the waves at bay
The sunshine breaks through
Cherubs laugh all day long
Seraphim cover the skies and always fly high
Everything here is gentle
Everything here is valiant
The streets here never go dark
The sidewalks shine with brightest gold
This place is clear
This place is home
In this kingdom, there is a king
Wiser than all of me
He knows me so well
He knows what is right
He knows he cannot know all
He is so humble
A voice that is sweet
A stance so tall
A heart that will never fumble
His eyes are kind
He smiles on even the most wicked criminal
He has found his peace
He longs to conquer the seas
He longs to bring the end of my torrential storms
As the years grow by, he grows
His dreams are realized
Every time that I write
I can see his eyes look back at me
My moment of clarity
My moment out of the sea.